quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2016

CONSPIRAÇÃO CONTRA TRUMP - A Revolução Púrpura de George Soros

A guerra da CIA contra Trump

A Revolução Púrpura de George Soros
Tradutores de Direita
George sources purple revolution is bringing up for the trump presidency. Courtesy of george soros, the Clinton prime family and the Obama administration, known as thesaurus triad. The Purple Revolution must be stopped before it really gets started.
Isn't it extremely odd that neither the Botes nor extended Clinton have tried to discourage nation wide riots and protests? Of course not because they're part of all this .
State-of-the-nation says truly was only a matter of time before a CIA color revolution with stage right in America's own backyard sources purple 0:50 revolution brewing for the trump 0:51 presidency as a matter of historic fact 0:54 the u.s. Department of State in 0:56 collaboration with the CIA the CIA and 1:00 NSA has carried out so many color 1:02 revolutions around the globe over the 1:04 past century that it boggles the mind 1:07 hence the needs of karma and the seeds 1:10 of gamma have been insidiously planted 1:13 only emerged as the tree of Destiny now 1:16 being experienced by every US citizen 1:19 First Obama was permitted to execute a 1:23 slow-motion pairing of the social fabric 1:25 throughout the USA now known as the 1:29 abomination his creation of various 1:32 stars and installation of gear point 1:35 he's guaranteed that Stassi state would 1:38 be served ish ously built resulting 1:42 Kwazii Communist Party fascist 1:44 progressivism known as KOAT political 1:47 correctness and quote has taken the 1:50 United States into a place not too 1:52 different from the USSR had hurry rodham 1:56 clinton won the election the USS a would 2:00 have manifested as a full-blown 2:02 socialist and Marilee cup 2:05 thesaurus Clinton Obama crowd will not 2:08 stand down everyone and their brother 2:12 have always known that the Clinton is 2:14 best would not lose this election 2:15 gracefully or otherwise that they were 2:19 not tolerated from victory even when he 2:22 won by electoral vote last light paid 2:25 fanatical our neck and our kiss and 2:28 agents provocateur simply don't have to 2:31 accept the Democratic result of a free 2:33 and lawful election just ask george 2:36 soros only by understanding that it was 2:39 a big soros money and serious social 2:42 engineering initiatives that were 2:44 directly behind the Obama presidency in 2:47 the first place then the real conspiracy 2:50 to destroy the American Republic 2:51 correctly comprehended more importantly 2:55 is crucial to apprehend the true 2:58 enormity and profundity of this 3:00 multi-decade plot to take over the US 3:03 are the New World Order ruling cabal 3:06 Soros is only the face of this 3:09 clandestine scheme the actual depth and 3:12 breadth of this worldwide criminal 3:14 organization is much larger than any 3:17 fortune 500 company the vital point here 3:21 is that there is no reason for thesaurus 3:22 Clinton Obama and the Democratic Party 3:25 to cease and desist from implementing a 3:28 color revolution in America a product 3:31 practically own and operate the entire 3:33 government corporate publix after eight 3:35 years of deliberate co-option by the 3:38 Obama BOTS include beneath us in 3:41 positions of power and influence in 3:43 every sphere of life as follows the 3:47 government corporate complex takes 3:50 complete control of the USA circle is a 3:54 massive British translation 3:56 transnational corporation and key 3:58 corporate entity within the US military 4:00 industrial complex circle ser co that is 4:05 being utilized to implement critical 4:08 piece of this plot to take over America 4:11 this is after all a plot run out of the 4:14 city of london as most of them are 4:16 circle corporate octopus with tentacles 4:19 wrapped around the globe while george 4:22 soros has been executing his 4:24 colorevolution across the planet for 4:26 years he has been painstakingly 4:28 cherry-picking the most effective 4:31 tactics to employ here in the US the 4:34 fabricated race riots engineer protester 4:37 Obama's second term or just rest 4:40 rehearsals for the big event 4:41 black lives matter was funded and 4:44 established by source as a terrorist arm 4:47 of his penis movement how easy it's been 4:50 for him to enlist the many destitute and 4:53 dispossessed black youth after he up to 4:56 trigger to the ongoing Great Recession 4:58 the entire Arab Spring was also 5:02 manufactured in the very same way and 5:05 the very same capitals of the zio 5:08 anglo-american axis sore simply 5:11 manipulates the politicians in London 5:13 Washington and Tel Aviv to do his 5:16 bidding where it concerns the necessary 5:19 warmongering and economic sabotage to 5:23 motivate the youth protest and riot 5:25 terrorized fight in fact it was obama's 5:29 presidential study directive 11 that 5:32 served as a blueprint for the our Arab 5:35 Spring it was carried out by the Western 5:37 powers US UK Canada France Germany and 5:42 Israel with Saudi Arabian funding 5:44 recruiting and Turkish logistical 5:47 support Arab Spring a series of CIA 5:51 coordinated color revolutions alienated 5:54 by obama's presidential study directive 5:57 11 5:58 the Clinton's lead the charge from 6:00 behind the biggest post-election story 6:04 conduct me the purple revolution that 6:06 was officially started by presidential 6:09 losers Bill and Hillary Clinton both 6:12 Clinton show up at the concessions each 6:14 wearing a very purple deep purple a 6:17 traditional color of royalty Bill 6:20 Clinton wearing a purple tie and Hillary 6:23 Clinton wearing a purple blouse and the 6:24 lapels and for black jacket or purple 6:27 apparently they both refused to accept 6:30 that they were quite ignominious Lee the 6:33 dethroned as America's first couple by 6:35 the Donald is married trusters why all 6:39 the purple garbage Hillary's positions 6:41 each special note the symbolism 6:45 associated with the top graphic of 6:47 Hillary's concession speech is pregnant 6:49 with meaning the deep purple in both 6:52 mrs. Clinton's close as well as Bill 6:54 Clinton's ty is a deep royal blue 6:57 associate with royalty could never be to 6:59 post regardless of their election 7:01 outcome they tended to be victorious as 7:04 seen in the v in her lapels and his tie 7:07 and they fully intend on a victory 7:10 whether it be by coup d'etat inciting a 7:12 revolution or starting a civil war 7:15 notice the victory be formed by the 7:18 american flag in the background 7:20 whoever set up this venue is quite 7:24 meticulous in arranging these details 7:26 for the cameramen photographers from 7:29 special angles 7:30 please see the downward gaze of the 7:32 Jesuits bill clinton Georgetown Brad and 7:35 Kim game jesuit missionary and even 7:38 thought about coming purple revolution 7:41 this whole affair is tracking the 7:43 reminiscence of the book of Revelation 7:44 where quote the woman is arrayed in 7:47 purple and scarlet and quote the Scarlet 7:50 woman and the Scarlet beast 7:53 so in doing so they have set themselves 7:55 up as sources to facto leaders of a 7:58 subversive movement to overthrow the US 8:01 federal government soon to be headed by 8:03 Donald J Trump this was an extremely 8:06 serious gesture that cannot be ignored 8:08 the electorate is now compelled to 8:11 respond to this misguided Clinton 8:14 message to subvert the will of We the 8:16 People the Clinton estas along with the 8:19 Obama BOTS will simply not take this 8:22 loss lying down source and company have 8:25 routinely employed the mainstream media 8:27 MSM to both instigate and intensify the 8:32 negative sentiments and violent actions 8:34 that were being purposely stocked 8:36 against president elect Trump if not 8:39 gotten under control very quickly this 8:41 situation can dissolve rapidly to 8:43 another made anti-coup me dogs were in 8:47 that was the best what happened two 8:48 years ago in the square in kiev even 8:52 Ukraine the meydan type cout that soros 8:55 stage to give to trigger the calamities 8:59 Ukraine civil war as long as the 9:01 Clintons and Obama's continue to 9:03 maintain a high profile with are 9:06 continuously continuance ease the 9:08 country will be vulnerable to another 9:10 manner of sources mischief there is no 9:14 bigger prize for the New World Order 9:15 cabal in the USA 9:17 however only with America's destruction 9:20 as a democratic constitutional republic 9:22 will they be able to advance their new 9:24 world order agenda towards the one world 9:27 government the purple revolution must be 9:31 thwarted and terminated there is really 9:34 only one way for the American people 9:36 George Soros and company must be 9:38 arrested right now post taste Hillary 9:42 and Bill Clinton must be charged with 9:44 the miniseries tribes at the whole world 9:46 knows that they are guilty of Barack 9:48 Obama must be removed from his office by 9:50 impeachment and trial before jury before 9:53 january twentieth on the basis of high 9:56 treason war crimes and crimes against 10:00 humanity 10:01 there is a critical window of 10:03 opportunity for this criminal New World 10:04 Order about to hatch and execute their 10:07 seditious plans as long as Obama sits in 10:11 the Oval Office this nation is exposed 10:13 to exceedingly great risks he has 10:16 already demonstrated himself to be the 10:18 most lawless and reckless president in 10:21 US history 10:22 he has literally transformed this 10:24 once-great nation into a full-blown 10:26 banana republic without the bananas it 10:30 was crystal clear to the Patriots that 10:32 obama could not be trusted a January 10:34 21st 2009 and he certainly cannot be 10:38 trusted 10:38 until he leaves office January 10:40 nineteenth 2017 in short Obama is an 10:45 extremely dangerous ex-president whose 10:47 legacy will be left in tatters by 10:49 President Trump because Obama knows all 10:52 of the law breaking that he permitted 10:54 his administration to commit he knows 10:57 that it is only a matter of time that 10:59 his crimes free is revealed for all to 11:01 see 11:02 he is also well aware that his arrest 11:05 and trial as severe sentence is the only 11:08 outcome but he can expect because he's a 11:11 real coward Obama will do everything 11:13 possible to forestall his anonymous 11:16 downfall george soros has taken full 11:20 advantage of Obama's extraordinary fear 11:23 for his crimes that he did penetrate 11:26 perpetrated against American people and 11:28 the world community of nations has 11:31 estate throughout the world are 11:33 cognizant of the gregarious criminal 11:35 activity perpetrated by the Obama 11:38 administration over eight straight years 11:39 which is why obama is taking up 11:42 residence in washington DC he's to stay 11:45 close to his enemies and the locus of 11:47 power that he feels can still protect 11:50 him 11:51 conclusion 11:53 this primary purpose of this purple 11:55 revolution is to hijack andrey channel 11:58 the organically grown grassroots driven 12:02 energies of the legitimate second 12:03 American Revolution SAR that has 12:07 occurred with the election of Donald 12:09 Trump fundamentally the nascent second 12:12 American Revolution is a rebellion of 12:14 the have-nots against the halves of the 12:18 ninety-nine percent against the one 12:19 percent of the working classes both 12:22 blue-collar and white-collar against the 12:25 wealthy elites of the taxpayers against 12:28 attacks thieves there was no other way 12:30 for the ruling eat to effectively 12:32 distracted by vert and misdirect the 12:35 disenfranchised from their serious SAR 12:38 second American Revolution purpose than 12:41 to stage a fake civil war for it is this 12:44 with a civil war clock with a purple 12:46 revolution that they seek to take the 12:49 wind out of the sails are the genuine 12:51 second American Revolution which is 12:53 taking place under Trump for those who 12:56 are still basking in the victory of 12:58 Donald Trump or blissfully unaware of 13:01 the real already begun purple revolution 13:03 it has never been so important to keep 13:06 your wits about you just like the main 13:09 square in kiev was definitely set up and 13:11 taken over by CIA proxies and US State 13:15 Department surrogates the george soros 13:17 cabal is working triple time to prevent 13:20 Trump from moving to the White House 13:22 their long-term plan cannot wait another 13:25 four years for his unfoldment especially 13:27 after Trump eviscerate the unprecedented 13:30 executive orders another 13:32 unconstitutional executive branch 13:34 changes put into place by a tyrannical 13:37 Obama at the end of the day the 13:40 abomination that was treacherously 13:42 created must be completely destroyed 13:44 every vistage vestige of it must be 13:48 swept into the ash been on history and 13:52 chalked up as a grotesque chapter of 13:54 American history 13:55 however this can only happen with a 13:57 pre-emptive exposure of the purple 13:59 revolution 14:01 the many traders to the US Constitution 14:03 at the highest high levels of the US 14:06 federal government must be lawfully 14:08 neutralized by every means possible and 14:11 any means necessary with all deliberate 14:14 speed 14:15 Godspeed November 13th 2016 editor's 14:20 note obama and clinton have no choice 14:23 but to close ranks during a trump 14:25 presidency they are both joined at the 14:28 hip where concerns email gate and server 14:30 gate and most serious public breaches of 14:33 national security in modern times the 14:36 Cabal set it up this way so that the 14:38 Clintons and Obama's would be forced 14:41 into a purple revolution partnership 14:43 because obama is as guilty as Clinton 14:46 with respect email gate they are quite 14:48 easily manipulated by the puppet master 14:51 George Soros i'll leave a link below for 14:54 you for this on state of the nation 15:23 [Music]

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