domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020



by paulo eneas
Last Thursday evening (July 30), journalist Allan dos Santos, director of the Terça Livre, a Brazilian website and channel news media outlet, has come forward with serious accusations involving the Supreme Court of Brazil. The allegations were made during a live transmission with the Brazilian Congresswoman Bia Kicis, Bernardo Kuster (digital influencer and political analyst) and Ryan Hartwig, former Facebook employee who reported Mark Zuckerberg to the US Congress for illegal censorship practices.

Allan dos Santos claims that members of the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court (TSE) deliberately intend to revoke the mandate of President Jair Bolsonaro, even though the Brazilian president has not committed any electoral crime. Three members of the TSE who are also members of the Supreme Court, have allegedly already decided to vote in favor of the revoking presidential mandate. They are: Edson Fachin, Luiz Roberto Barroso and Alexandre de Moraes, who has been censoring many of the president’s supporters on social media.

According to the journalist from the Terça Livre News channel, an employee of the Superior Electoral Court named Igor Tobias has allegedly hired the German Company Rohde & Schwarz to do a sweep looking for wiretaps in Brasília. As the report claims, the company has identified three wiretap cases in three different locations: at the house of the lawyer of the PT (Brazilian left-wing party) Antônio Carlos de Almeida Castro, known as Kakay, who has free access at the Supreme Court. A second wiretap case was at the Chinese Embassy, and a third one at the North Korean Embassy. The way these wiretaps work is explained in the annex at the end of this report.

According to Allan dos Santos, it is very likely that the President Jair Bolsonaro is being spied on through these wiretaps and this is allegedly known to two ministers of the Supreme Court Justices, namely: Luiz Roberto Barroso and Alexandre de Moraes – if confirmed, they would be committing the crime of malfeasance by not warning the Head of State about the existence of these wiretaps.

The escape of Luiz Roberto Barroso after revoking President Bolsonaro’s mandate

Another explosive piece of information brought by Allan dos Santos, who is no longer in Brazilian territory, concerns the existence of an escape plan by the Supreme Court Justices after the Superior Electoral Court revoke the mandate of President Bolsonaro. According to Allan dos Santos, the justices Luiz Roberto Barroso, Alexandre de Moraes and Edson Fachin have already drawn up a plan to escape from Brazil on the same day the cassation of President Bolsonaro’s mandate will be ruled.
Allan dos Santos was emphatic in saying that there is an ongoing coup d’état in Brazil against President Bolsonaro, which is being plotted by the Supreme Court Justices. He also states that there is no way to defend Brazilian democracy against the country’s Supreme Court.

The journalist also recalls that if any measures are taken to arrest members of the Supreme Court, the world must understand the reasons, since there are no other mechanisms in our legal system and in our Constitution capable of protecting Brazilian democracy against the action of members of the Supreme Court.

Allan dos Santos further points out that the coup d’état plotted by the Brazilian Supreme Court currently ongoing in the country started when the Supreme Court issued an illegal and unconstitutional decision to hinder the President from appointing the General Director of the Federal Police. Other decisions of the same nature made by the Supreme Court, characterized by the usurpation of the prerogatives of the Executive Branch and the Head of State, were indicative of this ongoing putsch.

In conclusion, the journalist warns that he makes these accusations only because he is not in Brazil, otherwise he would fear for his life and the safety of his family. And he warns that if anything were to happen to him or anyone in his family, those accountable would be the Justices Luiz Roberto Barroso and Alexandre de Moraes, the PT (left-wing party) through the lawyer Kakay, and the embassies of the Communist dictatorships in China and North Korea.

Annex: What telephone wiretapping cases are and how they work

The telephone tapping cases of the German Company Rohde & Schwarz are sophisticated devices that allow you to identify the existence of a cell phone signal or, otherwise tune a frequency and intercept and listen to or record conversations from third parties on mobile phones. The wiretap is, therefore, made without the need to involve the mobile network company.
The tapping devices in Brazil were acquired in 2007 at a cost of about half a million dollars per unit, and would be used to monitor the use of cell phones in prisons. Until 2008, the Federal Police was in possession of ten of these devices. A judicial decision passed that same year ordered the collection of all the devices in possession of government agencies, as it is reported by the news channel Folha de São Paulo. English translation: Mariana Razimavicius.

Denúncia de Allan dos Santos repercute na imprensa internacional

The Official Blog of Ryan Hartwig

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